Έλαβα από το Πανεπιστήμιο της Οξφόρδης ανακοίνωση για Θερινά μαθήματα Μαθηματικών σε ταλαντούχους μαθητές Λυκείου.
Ακολουθεί η ανακοίνωση στα Αγγλικά. Δεν την μεταφράζω γιατί έτσι και αλλιώς αυτοί που
θα ενδιαφερθούν για τα μαθήματα, πρέπει να γνωρίζουν Αγγλικά, πέρα από τα άριστα Μαθηματικά.
Περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες στην ιστοσελίδα που παραπέμπουν,
Μαζί με την αίτηση πρέπει ο ενδιαφερόμενος να στείλει, μεταξύ άλλων, και τις λύσεις του σε μια σειρά ωραίων προβλημάτων.
Θα επισυνάψω τα προβλήματα (κάντε υπομονή γιατί έχω αργή σύνδεση και όποτε ανεβάζω ή κατεβάζω επισυναπτόμενο, το ... μετανιώνω.)
Προσοχή όμως, ΔΕΝ ΠΡΕΠΕΙ ΝΑ ΒΑΛΟΥΜΕ ΛΥΣΕΙΣ ΕΔΩ. Τις λύσεις πρέπει να τις βρει μόνος του όποιος
ενδιαφέρεται να κάνει αίτηση και εμείς ΔΕΝ ΕΧΟΥΜΕ ΣΚΟΠΟ ΝΑ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΜΨΟΥΜΕ τους οργανωτές.
(Αν ήταν έτσι, θα έβαζα δικές μου λύσεις, αφού τις έλυσα έτσι και αλλιώς).
Τις ασκήσεις τις βάζω μόνο για θέαση και για το ενδιαφέρον που παρουσιάζουν.
Call for Applications for PROMYS Europe 2017
Europe, a challenging six-week residential summer programme at the
University of Oxford, is seeking pre-university students from across
Europe who show unusual readiness to think deeply about mathematics. I
am writing to ask for your assistance in spreading the word to
potentially interested applicants and their teachers.
Europe is designed to encourage mathematically ambitious students who
are at least 16 to explore the creative world of mathematics.
Participants tackle fundamental mathematical questions within a richly
stimulating and supportive community of fellow first-year students,
returning students, undergraduate counsellors, research mentors,
faculty, and visiting mathematicians.
First-year students focus
primarily on a series of very challenging problem sets, daily lectures,
and exploration projects in Number Theory. There will also be a
programme of talks by guest mathematicians and the counsellors, on a
wide range of mathematical subjects, as well as courses aimed primarily
at students who are returning to PROMYS Europe for a second or third
PROMYS Europe is a partnership of Wadham College and the
Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford, the Clay Mathematics
Institute, and PROMYS (Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists,
founded in Boston in 1989).
The programme is dedicated to the
principle that no one should be unable to attend for financial reasons.
Most of the cost is covered by the partnership and by generous donations
from supporters. In addition, full and partial needs-based financial
aid is available, which can cover the fee and travel costs, in part or
in full.
The application and application problem set are
available on the PROMYS Europe website. The deadline for first-year
student applications is 19 March. PROMYS Europe 2017 will run from 9
July to 19 August at the University of Oxford.
We hope you will
spread the word to potentially interested applicants and their teachers
by circulating the attached flyer and/or encouraging them to visit the
Thank you for helping us reach out to students who
would benefit from this opportunity. If you wish to be removed from our
mailing list, please unsubscribe.
Glenn Stevens
Director of PROMYS Europe
PROMYS Europe Board:
Professor Henry Cohn (Principal Researcher at Microsoft Research, and Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at MIT)
Dr Vicky Neale ( Whitehead Lecturer in the Mathematical Institute and at Balliol College, University of Oxford)
Professor Glenn Stevens ( Director, Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS), and
Professor of Mathematics, Boston University) and
Professor Nicholas Woodhouse (President of the Clay Mathematics Institute and Professor of Mathematics,
University of Oxford and Fellow of Wadham College)
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